Vikinger Community

The Best Way to Connect

With Your Friends!

We made sure that the theme has everything you need to build an incredible community, and we also have ucoming features updates, so keep an eye out!.

BuddyPress Powered

We took advantage and expanded the Buddypress plugin with reactions, shares, media, and much more!

Super Gamification!

We created a full gamification experience with badges, quests, credits and ranks to create an awesome experience!

Incredible Design

All pages are carefully crafted to fit all you may need! Also, we included lots of illustrations and elements PSD’s!

Main Features

Incredible Community
Pages and Features!

Powered by BuddyPress, the theme has super complete profile pages with a sleek design, info boxes to show things like your gamification earnings or friends, and a slider for easier access. You’ll also find other community pages, like newsfeed, members and groups directory and more!.


You can also create public and private groups in order to find people that share your same interests! We also created an account hub so you can easily manage lots of stuff, like groups creation, groups management, avatar and cover upload, main profile info, email settings and much more!

Main Features

Have Fun With the
Gamification System!

Using GamiPress Achievements, Credits, and Ranks features, we built a super complete gamification system that has badges, quests, ranks and credits. To link all to the overall design, we created widgets for the profiles, credits counters for the top menu and progress bars for the avatars, among other things!.


Inside the Illustrations folder, you’ll find PSD files with lots of badge, quests, ranks and credits designs so you can have fun choosing the ones you like the most! Also, they are all made with PS Vectors so it’s easier to customize or even create new ones!

Main Features

Connect with People
In the Forums!

The theme has a bbPress forum integration so you can easily create awesome forums with images, subforums and topics to share interests with the community!


We styled it to make it look like the original design (all icons are included in the pack!) and also added some new stuff, like the tags, voices and user widgets at the side of the topic replies. This integration also has complete user’s profile forum stats and groups integration so you can link forums to your group!

Main Features

Incredible Front-End
Account Hub!

Once users are logged in. when they click the little cogwheel at the top right corner, they will be able to access all the author hub sections! In here they will be able to change profile and account info, like avatar and cover, email settings, password, social networks and much more!!


You’ll also find a groups dedicated section where you’ll be able to manage and create groups, check and promote members (to for example, mods and admins) send invitations and manage the private groups requests!

Vikinger Community

Why Vikinger?

Read here about all the cool features and sections that community includes!

Super complete profiles, incredible gamification system, friendly forums and much more social stuff!

Awesome Community

An incredible community with super full profiles, social links, gamification items and much more!

Gamification System

An incredible gamification system with badges, quests, ranks and credits to earn and unlock!

Friendly Forums

Easy to navigate and post forums! Create your own discussion to talk with other people!

Super Author Hub

A complete author hub with profile settings, info, email preferences, group management and more!

Dark/Light Presets

You have a switch to change between light and dark versions that the admin can customize!

Private Groups

You can easily create private groups from your author hub! Just go to the manage groups section!

Vikinger Community

Asked Questions

We know that some of you may have lots of questions about the community, how it works, and what you can and cannot do, so here’s a recopilation of the most common questions we get asked.


If you have any further questions, just send us an email to

This is an example text of what’s inside the accordion FAQs. Once you have the theme, you will be able to edit this test with your own via Elementor.
This is an example text of what’s inside the accordion FAQs. Once you have the theme, you will be able to edit this test with your own via Elementor.
This is an example text of what’s inside the accordion FAQs. Once you have the theme, you will be able to edit this test with your own via Elementor.
This is an example text of what’s inside the accordion FAQs. Once you have the theme, you will be able to edit this test with your own via Elementor.
This is an example text of what’s inside the accordion FAQs. Once you have the theme, you will be able to edit this test with your own via Elementor.
This is an example text of what’s inside the accordion FAQs. Once you have the theme, you will be able to edit this test with your own via Elementor.


Ahimsa One is an open social network and learning platform to connect the world community for positive change. It is a place dedicated to community building, open communication, and natural living.

What is Ahimsa?

Ahimsa means non-violence and compassion, a cardinal virtue held across many cultures and civilizations over millenia. We believe in refraining from causing unnecessary harm and to protect the innocent and the dispossessed. 

1. Security & Freedom

With proper planning and qualified assistance anything is possible. Security and freedom can coexist and complement each other. An individual should not have to refrain from going on their next adventure due to perceived constraints.

2. Health & Compassion

Compassion and health go hand in hand. A compassionate mind makes for a healthy body, and vice-versa. Becoming a vegan or vegetarian is a good start to great health and peace of mind both for ourselves and humanity.

3. Knowledge & Humility

Everyone wants knowledge, but humility is essential for acquiring knowledge. Those who do acquire knowledge also practice humility because they understand that learning and applying is a continuous process.

4. Beauty & Simplicity

It is the simple that produces the marvelous. With that in mind, one can design living spaces and their surroundings each with a unique personality and flavor. Everything we need is already in our hands, let us think simple and beautiful. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

5. Organize & Create

Creativity is the production of high quality, original, and elegant solutions. To be creative and organized at the same time may appear challenging, but the combination of both can bring amazing results. Brainstorming with methodical approaches can make miracles.

6. Love & Strength

Love is the true feeling of connection between people and things. When connected to others, we can be ready to share joys and burdens with each other, and as a result we feel empowered and capable of achieving anything. Love wins all and strength keeps us united.

7. Respect & Courage

Respect builds friendships and courage builds self-respect. When sacrificing for the principles and ideas we believe in, our self-respect increases. Responding with dignity and in a respectful manner may be considered the ultimate display of human expression.

8. Resourceful & Happy

Things don’t make us happy, people do, and resourcefulness helps. Being satisfied with the gift of life and sharing its great moments with others can make us a lot happier than owning wealth or riches.

9. Prosperity & Freedom

There is one who gives yet increases, and there is one who withholds but loses. Generosity is the secret to prosperity. Here we share from our heart and good feelings. True prosperity can only be achieved by being sincere and generous, and not withholding more than what is right.